All of the advantages that FXD offers in ordinary flame cutting are present in powder cutting operations. FXD呈现通常的火焰切割和现代的粉末切割所有的优点。
Study on Application of ABT Rooting Powder in Twig Cutting and Seedling of Xinjiang Pomegranate ABT生根粉应用于新疆石榴嫩枝扦插育苗的研究
The hardmetal made by using carbon black carburized ultrafine W-Ta alloy powder shows an improvement of structure and cutting properties over the ordinary ones. 用碳黑碳化W-Ta合金粉得到了W-Ta的混合碳化物,用这种碳化物制得的硬质合金,在结构和切削性能上均较一般硬质合金优越。
In view of the situation that the cuttings for PDC drilling bit was fine, even in the state of powder, and the lithology was difficult to identify, cutting natural gamma logging technique while drilling is one of important processing ways. 岩屑自然伽马随钻录井技术是应对PDC钻头岩屑细碎、甚至呈粉末状,岩性难以识别的重要手段之一。
In three component pre-alloyed powder saw blade, Cu matrix saw blade's cutting speed is fastest, Ni matrix is the most slow but cutting life is longest, Fe matrix cutting life is shortest. 在3种预合金粉锯片中,Cu基预合余粉锯片切割速度最快,Ni基预合金粉锯片切割速度最慢,但是它切割寿命最长,Fe基预合金粉锯片切割寿命最短。
Effect of Different Concentration GGR Powder on Grape Cutting 不同浓度GGR生长粉对葡萄插条生长的影响
In relation to the ASP 30 grade powder metallurgical high speed steel cutting tool, this paper deals with the changing pattern of its microstructure and microhardness after reheating. 本文研究了ASP30粉末冶金高速钢车刀重加热后的显微组织和显微硬度的变化规律。
The paper presents the structure, principle and effect of iron powder oxy acetylene cutting torch for stainless steel and comparison between this method and the others current at home. 介绍铁粉氧-乙炔法切割不锈钢割炬的结构、原理及使用效果,并与国内目前其他切割方法对比。
Analytic results indicated: significant positive correlation between alfalfa leaf powder crude fibre ( p < 0.01) and cutting phase; 粗纤维含量与刈割期呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。
The cutting experiment shows that the coated powder cutters have an excellent performance when cutting high hardness materials. 切削试验表明,粉末涂层刀具切削高硬度材料时具有优良的切削性能。
Mine-machine radial falling dust with water mist, controlling powder dust in coal hole, harnessing powder dust while cutting rock, controlling powder dust during explosion; 采煤机径向雾屏降尘、溜煤眼粉尘的控制、凿岩时粉尘的治理、爆破时粉尘的控制;
The results show that three saw-blade all can fulfill task. Pre-alloyed powder saw blade's cutting life and rate is higher than mechanical mixed powder saw blade. 结果表明:三种锯片性能都达到使用要求,预合金粉锯片在切割速度、切割寿命上均比混合粉锯片高。
The top-disc tooth holder in spiral cylinder of the coal-winning machine often lose its effectiveness caused by serious wear, which is mainly produced between the topdisc tooth holder and parts of coal powder cut off in the course of oblique cutting. 采煤机螺旋滚筒端盘齿座,常因严重磨损而失效,其主要原因是斜切进刀过程中有部分煤粉被截到下来,这部分煤与端盘齿座摩擦的缘故。
In the sawdust, coconut coir and the powder of soybean stalk, root of the New Guinea Impatiens and the Euphorbia pulcherrima cutting were better than that in peat. 扦插试验表明,在花生壳粉、锯木屑、椰糠以及豆秆粉条件下,新几内亚凤仙及一品红扦插苗的生根情况优于泥炭,可以作为扦插基质。
The soundless cracking agent ( SCA) is a kind of expansive powder which produced expansion of solids and swelling pressure after the hydration reaction, became popular for cutting or cracking rock, concrete, stone and other brittle solid materials. 静态破碎剂是一种膨胀粉末,水化反应后产生固体膨胀及膨胀压,可广泛应用于岩石、混凝土和石材等脆性材料的破碎切割和开采中。